Thursday, 29 April 2010

Day 2 for Y4H

 Everyone slept well eventually, no tears just chatter. The Barn children had an early riser in Katie who couldn't contain her excitement at going for a pony ride later in the day. The showers were very busy before breakfast in both houses. What good appetites these children have. They wolfed down  a hearty cooked breakfast to give them the energy they need for a very busy day ahead. We all have the farm tour to come, along with the farm jobs. We'll have to keep a beady eye on Mr Hill to make sure he doesn't smuggle a lamb away as he is quite taken with a little speckled faced baby. Mrs Ward is already up and off with her children doing farm jobs. It's all go!


Anonymous said...

good that everyone slept well. Have fun til you get back!! from Owen Harrison Y5A

Anonymous said...

Hope you are all having a nice time and can't wait to see you all when you get back.
Rowena Y5A

Anonymous said...

I hope Maddie didn't keep you up with her snoring!!!!!!!
(Harvey needs to keep quiet)
Sam Y5A

Anonymous said...

Ashley, hope you are having a great time with Mattie (Matthew Pease)Come back soon bro'.
Marcus Y5A

Herringthorpe Junior School said...

It's Mr Hill who is England's snoring champion!

Anonymous said...

god its hard to find this web site!!

Anonymous said...

yeah i now any way!!

Anonymous said...

I would not try to take a lamb mr. hill because you have to feed it what a job! hope you have had lots of lovley comments wish I was back in year 4 again so I could go with the nich teachers !!!

Molly Green Y5A

Anonymous said...

I cant stop posting comments I love this blog thing I can find out what your up to ha ha ha !!! make sur you go to bed at &;45 tonigth

Molly Green Y5A

Anonymous said...

sorry I mean 7:45 sorry !!!

Molly Green