Thursday, 29 April 2010

What a morning!

It was a ten o'clock start for the farm tour and we got there in plenty of time having already cleaned the house before we left. Mum's and dad's please note that we had a queue of children wanting to introduce themselves to Henry the Hoover. We had a great time looking at and learning all about the animals but the highlight had to be one of the student farmers, a girl, wrestling in the hay with a large ewe. The student won and the ewe went into a pen with her baby. Off horse riding now.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like an amazing visit Mrs Kirby and I are sat at school wishing we were there. Missing you lots, let Mrs Ward know Daniel wanted to watch the Lego Video before she got back and was very excited I had to take my memory stick down to show her class. Can't wait to see you all Love Mrs Greenwood and Mrs Kirby xxx

Anonymous said...

Wish i was there, but i'll have to wait until i'm in year 4. Can't wait.

Holly H y3d

Anonymous said...

hope you all had a good morning im missing mr.hill with his big friendly smile! hope you slept well I dident I was thinking about you

from molly green Y5A